Шина Tianli 800/40-26.5 FG(ST) LS-2 20PR 170A8/177A2 TT на продаж на Truck1, ID: 8372179
Україна - Українська | EUR
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1 811EUR

Ціна з ПДВ

  • ≈ 79 656 UAH
  • ≈ 1 965 USD

Tianli 800/40-26.5 FG(ST) LS-2 20PR 170A8/177A2 TT

Новий Шина в категорії Лісозаготівельна технікаTianli 800/40-26.5 FG(ST) LS-2 20PR 170A8/177A2 TT

1 811EUR

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Новий Шина в категорії Лісозаготівельна техніка Tianli 800/40-26.5 FG(ST) LS-2 20PR 170A8/177A2 TT

Опубліковано: 2міс. 6дн.

Новий Шина в категорії Лісозаготівельна техніка Tianli 800/40-26.5 FG(ST) LS-2 20PR 170A8/177A2 TT: фото 1
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Опубліковано: 2міс. 6дн.


1 811EUR

Ціна з ПДВ

  • ≈ 79 656 UAH
  • ≈ 1 965 USD



Місце знаходження

Польща, Słupsk

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pneumatic diagonal, 800-26.5
Більше інформації

We are pleased to present to you Tianli forest tire with full name:

800/40-26.5 TIANLI Forest Grip Steel Belt Log Stomper

The presented model was available on the Polish market and enjoyed very good reviews from our customers.

We decided to reintroduce it to our permanent offer at your request. In 2022 we present its latest and strongest version with steel belt and STEEL FLEX technology.

The tire is further characterized by a very strong and compact structure. The product is characterized by a very high tare weight, the highest among its competitors in the same size.

The tire's casing is reinforced with steel belts (steel belt), which contributes to its strength and properties to prevent penetration and damage.

In addition, the tire has STEEL FLEX technology for maximum protection against punctures, additionally taking care of comfort on paved roads.

Additional reinforcement of the casing in the central part, which regularly passes into the traction part of the tread, affects the compactness and strength of the entire structure, ensuring maximum performance when overcoming obstacles in forest conditions.

The tread is very high, wide and aggressively shaped at the front of the casing. It is one of the most aggressively designed tires we have on offer. This affects maximum traction and minimizes tire slippage.

In addition, the tread pattern extends beyond the shoulders and sides of the tire, which further enhances traction, protection against punctures and the aggressive look of the tire.

Needless to say, the compound used is further reinforced offering protection against cuts and tread degradation in harsh forest conditions.

The TIANLI Forest Grip Steel Belt Log Stomper is a tire that offers the latest and most up-to-date in forest tire manufacturing that the global Tianli company offers.

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1 811EUR

Ціна з ПДВ

  • ≈ 79 656 UAH
  • ≈ 1 965 USD

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