Truck1 services. Truck1
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Truck1 services

Standard services included in paid package:

Your business card on Truck1
Your company logo, description, photos, contact details, information about managers and other information placed on your personal Truck1 dealer web-page.
Data import
There is an opportunity to copy and update data from the source of your choice (your personal web-site, another web-site, service of a third-party company specializing in the data export).
Detailed statistics
Statistics of views, your stock as a whole and every separate ad also.
Translation of advertisements, buyer inquiries, machinery orders
To make negotiations with potential buyers easier, all messages will be translated into the language of your choice.
Link to your personal web-site
You can put a link to your personal web-site in the profile of your company and also in separate advertisements.

Additional (paid) services:

Promotion of the advertisements
Placing you advertisements on TOP, HIGHLITING your ads, marking ads with TEXT
Company logo on the Truck1 starting page
Selected offers on Truck1 home page

You can find more detailed information on "Additional advertising opportunities" page or you can contact us directly at: contact form, +371 652 83 670, +49 303 0808 365.

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